July 24, 2009

A Harvard Professor and Our Post-Racial President

The unfortunate incident, of the Harvard professor who was arrested for disobeying a direct order from a police officer after breaking into his own home, was made worse when Obama weighed in during his press conference the other night. Victor Davis Hanson, as usual, makes several good points in this blog post:
When the healer President Obama casually characterizes law enforcement as acting “stupidly” and then blithely says we all know that African-Americans and Latinos are stopped disproportionately — without the corollary that we all know that African-American and Latino males also commit and are convicted of crimes in numbers higher than their general percentages of the population and therefore can naturally also become more likely suspects — then we simply regress on questions of race, though in frustration rather than due to the “cowardice” cited by the attorney general.

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