May 23, 2009

Obama: The New Bush

Obama as a candidate denounced Bush and his policies ad nauseam. I now find it humorous and ironic that the "change" candidate isn't changing so many of the Bush policies that he declared he'd fix. Armchair quarterbacking is easy; however, actually being "in the game" and responsible for a country is proving difficult for Obama to keep all his campaign promises.

This Washington Post article lists a few of the big changes Obama promised yet hasn't delivered. While I'm glad Obama has flip-flopped about several of the Bush policies, it would be nice to get an acknowledgement that Bush and his policies weren't as bad as Obama once told us they were.
The genius of democracy is that the rotation of power forces the opposition to come to its senses when it takes over. When the new guys, brought to power by popular will, then adopt the policies of the old guys, a national consensus is forged and a new legitimacy established.

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