September 22, 2010

Fourteen Months Old

Though I missed Hamilton's actual 14-month anniversary, an update on my favorite boy is still necessary. Hamilton has learned SO much these past six weeks!

Hamilton's only verbal words right now are Daddy, doggie, and Mama. Daddy and doggie sound exactly alike, though he uses the different signs to distinguish. He usually wakes up in the morning talking about Daddy. He loves to visit Daddy at work, so we sometimes surprise Mr. Morgan when we need to get out of the house.
Hamilton now correctly and consistently uses 12 signs: milk, Daddy, Mama, dog, clothes, bath, brush teeth, food, more, all done, water, and please. He recognizes many other signs when I do them, like airplane, book, read, sleep, light, and change diaper. It's so fun for me to finally see my hard work pay off with his learning signs. Many of those signs he's seen consistently from me for a year! He now even looks at me sometimes for the sign when he encounters something new.

Hamilton's walking everywhere now, rarely ever crawling. Just in the last few days he's started walking faster almost like a run, but he usually falls after just a few steps. He's a pro at climbing up stairs, and he's learned to come down a stair or two. He's also much better at obeying when we say, "No, we're not climbing the stairs right now."

Since the weather has cooled from sweltering to just hot, we've spent more time outside. He loves the backyard, exploring everywhere whenever we're out there. He loves to push toys and other objects around that slide against the ground or floor--objects with wheels or without. His latest discovery is Mr. Morgan's rolling seat, kept in the garage, but Hamilton loves pushing it around on the driveway, in the garage, and on the patio.

When Hamilton hears adults laugh, he joins in and laughs, not wanting to miss out on the fun. He also enjoys fake sneezing: Uahhh-choo! He's just learned to give kisses when prompted, though he doesn't always pucker up properly. Sometimes the recipient gets an open-mouthed smooch, and there's usually plenty of drool, too.

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