April 14, 2009

Presale Bash

Tomorrow night Hardee and I are going to the Charleston Repeats moms sale. She registered early enough, so I'm getting to tag along with her because of her preparedness. All the first-time moms are getting to attend the Presale Bash before the sale is open to the public.

Hardee and I have been pregnant together nearly the whole time. We were both trying at the same time to get pregnant. We made it a friendly race, and the Morgans won--though I'm sure Hardee would say it's not over yet. She's convinced she'll be delivering earlier than her doctors are saying; and if I deliver late, then our boys could be born closer than our month-apart due dates indicate. We shall see.

It's been great to have a close friend who's newly pregnant with me. We've shared hand-me-down baby boy clothes, friends' maternity clothes, and yard-sale finds. Since we live so close together too, I'm sure we'll be sharing babysitters.

1 comment:

  1. Oh it's not over yet! I'm counting on you being 2 weeks late!(And me being early). And if we "lose" I am sure we can compete for who's boy walks first or is better at football or something (and with your husband's blissful ignorance of football, we may have the upper hand!)
