November 9, 2009


Of all the things I like to blog about, Claire is probably the most challenging and fun. To capture her voice and spirit in a good story can be tough, and she says such quirky things because of her perspective on the world. I usually have to hold back my laughter or smile, while also replaying her words in my head, so I don't forget. Some readers refer to these stories as "Claire-isms." And I have two new ones.

A few weeks ago on Saturday, we were eating a lazy breakfast together. We usually talk about our day on Saturday mornings around the breakfast table, discussing what we'll be doing that day and the weekend. On that particular Saturday, Claire had a soccer game that afternoon, and we were visiting friends for dinner afterward. While going over these plans for the day, Claire asked a little apprehensively, "But this morning we can just be ourselves, right?"


This past weekend Mimi and Pops came to visit us. Mimi and Claire went shopping on Sunday evening. Mimi called me this morning to pass along this Claire-ism.

When we were checking out at The Dollar Tree, an enormous man was behind us. He was 400-plus pounds and neatly dressed. He had lots of skin and fat hanging down below his belt. As we walked out, Claire said, "That man was so fat!"

"Yes, he was. It's so sad," I said.

Then Claire said knowingly, "I sure hope he doesn't have a bladder infection."

1 comment:

  1. Kids are great, because they can still get away with saying the things that we cringe to even think. At the same time, they can be more accepting than adults. My boys asked a fellow Cub Scout why he has no hands, and the boy replied that he was born that way. That was the full extent of the conversation, and they play ball together without a thought to his "disability."
