February 6, 2010

Seven Months Old

Well, I missed posting Hamilton's usual month-birthday picture. We left Friday afternoon for Myrtle Beach, and I was super busy on Friday getting the family ready to go. Pictures from the trip will have to do.Hamilton was seven months old on Friday. I'm hopeful to see him making his first signs soon; he already recognizes several. I think he may have done the "food" sign a few times, but it's hard to tell--he tends to put his fingers in and around his mouth all the time regardless of whether he's actually hungry or not.

He's getting stronger every day: He can stand on his legs with help now. Considering just a few weeks ago he couldn't put all his weight on them, he's doing well standing on his "strong legs," which is what I say to encourage him. However, he also has weak knees, so I don't think he'll be walking anytime soon--and we're thankful!

He also does hip thrusts when he's lying on his back. He must remember all the Pilates moves I did while he was in utero. He's so close to flipping from back to belly, though I'm sure he won't like being on his belly even if he put himself in that position.

He's still loving all solid foods I feed him, and sometimes he scrunches his nose and face when he wants another bite. It's cute, though I'm still trying to capture this look on video.

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