October 22, 2009

Best Buds

Grady and Hamilton are spending lots of time together in these first few months of their lives. I keep telling them that they will be buddies, especially since Mr. Morgan and I are such good friends with the Hardee-Whites. Yesterday the boys were so cute that I couldn't resist lots of pictures.
What's not so apparent from the pictures is how much bigger Grady is than Hamilton. Though he's nearly three weeks younger, Grady outweighs Hamilton by several pounds I think.Because of his bigger size and superior motor skills, I'm a little wary of leaving Grady alone with Hamilton. I caught him several times trying to eat Hamilton's arm. Hamilton lives with sniffing, wet-nosed dogs, so he was unphased.


  1. Cute pics! Thanks, Hamilton, for letting Grady nibble on you!

  2. We didn't teach him to do that. Must have inherited that from G1.
