Hamilton loved the trike-a-thon last week, and he was still talking about it this morning as we got ready for school. He thinks every day should be trike-a-thon day.
Hamilton proudly wore his trike-a-thon shirt from last year which he earned from getting many sponsors. He's so fast on his Scoot 'n' Zoom now, but he really wanted to ride some of the other kids' bikes and tricycles at the start of the event.
The course was a big loop for the kids to follow, but Hamilton saw me on the sidelines and wanted to stop after his first lap. So I got a few pictures, then encouraged him to ride around again.
Hamilton's tongue is out in most of my pictures of his scooting around when he was concentrating really hard and trying to go really fast.

Collier sat over on the sidelines watching, and it looks like he's flashing the "loser L" sign at Hamilton as he passes. Sibling rivalry has started early in the Morgan household.
West and Hamilton raced around the loop.
Hamilton really wanted to ride on Grady's tricycle.
Grady's mom
Amanda was there taking pictures, too.
Here are hers. We looked like the "mamrazzi" with our DSLRs slung from our necks.
Hamilton rode like the wind--as you can see by his flying hair.
Hamilton and West started playing a pretending game during one of their laps where West would point out some "cookies" that he found on the ground. Hamilton would scoot over to him and pretend to grab some. Then they'd both eat them and laugh. Pretending has become a favorite thing of Hamilton's. If I question some ridiculous notion of his, he says, "I jus' preteening, Mommy."
Here the three boys are about to have a crash.
On the home stretch! With 15 minutes allotted for Hamilton's class to use the loop, the boys went around many times. I was glad to see the end because that was our hottest day we'd had so far at over 80 degrees.
Hamilton's smiling big after his trike-a-thon. Yay for another successful year! Thank you to everyone who so generously donated!