August 4, 2011


Though not literal housekeeping, the readability of my blog is important to me. Since Mr. Morgan's my go-to tech guy, I trust him to tell me "enough already"--and then fix the crazy fonts that I'd rather use on my blog. He said he wasn't enjoying going to the blog and reading it because of how long the fonts took to load. He's my biggest blog fan, so I couldn't abide his not reading it. So we're back to default fonts. Has anyone else had issues viewing the page?

1 comment:

  1. If you want to use high-quality fonts without having to add them to the site as graphics (which slows the page load), check out I'm using this service for some of my clients to add pizazz to their sites, but without compromising the search engine parsing of their content nor slowing down their page load time. It's relatively inexpensive. I've never used it with a blog service, so I'm not sure you CAN use it, but it's worth a shot!
