June 29, 2009
Abby's 2nd Birthday
Puppies and Popcorn
June 27, 2009
Jenny Sanford
Here's a good Associated Press article from Friday:
Asked if she would be staying with her husband, she said: "It's a goal."
"I'm going to do my best to work on my marriage," she said. As for her husband's political future: "His career is not a concern of mine. He'll have to worry about that. I'm going to worry about my family and the character of my children."
Here's a good AP article from Saturday:
Jenny Sanford cried at the end of the interview, and said the couple have been to counseling.
"When I found out in January, we both indicated a willingness to continue working on the marriage, but there's not room for three people in a marriage," she said. "I've done everything in my power possibly to keep him from going to see her and to really make sure she was off the table, including asking him to leave."
June 26, 2009
Friday Night Movie
Moment of Silence
Who determines who will be honored by a moment of silence in our Congress? I'm just so irritated about how his death is dominating the news; there are so many more important things happening in the world. Speaking of more important things going on, how 'bout a moment of silence to honor the brave Iranian woman who was killed last week?
Four Days Before Due Date
Agreeing with Hugo Chavez
Of course, all the "news" that's apparently worth reporting this morning is about Michael Jackson's death. Last night we stopped watching TV because all our channels were covering his death, and we were sick of hearing about it. While it's sad that he's dead, there are TONS of other things going on in the world that are a bit more important than a washed-up, freaky celebrity's death. I mean, The Office rerun that should have aired at 9 last night was bumped to make room for a Dateline special on Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett.
This morning the news reported that Hugo Chavez called Michael Jackson's death "lamentable," but he criticized the media for giving it so much attention. Mr. Morgan said, "For once, I agree with Hugo Chavez."
June 24, 2009
Abby's Little People
Here's a closeup picture of the Little People dolls: While I'm the tall, blonde girl, Mr. Morgan is the shorter, squatty blonde girl in a blue dress. Matt Lambert is the short, black, construction worker.
Selling Snow Cones
Claire is dramatic and hyperbolic: This past Sunday after Mr. Morgan's company picnic and a trip to the water park, Claire declared that day the "best day" of her life. When we questioned her, "The best day ever?" She replied with a little exasperation, "It's an expression."
So, she's had a fun summer so far. Last night with her snow-cone machine and trusty helper Brittany from down the street, she set up a snow-cone stand in the front yard. She was so excited to make some money, and she has quite the entrepreneurial spirit. I think the girls raked in over $10 in less than two hours, so they were thrilled.
The folks in our neighborhood were really sweet to stop by and buy a snow-cone. Even though Claire says that I can have a snow-cone any time for free, they are good and well worth the $0.50 she's charging. If you're in the Hanahan area, stop by the neighborhood for some cool refreshment.
June 23, 2009
Sanford's Hiatus
The man needed a break, so let's give him a break and let him hike the Appalachian Trail until his heart's content. While his office could have handled his absence better, let's not assume he's dead. He's just been through the fight of his gubernatorial career with his wanting to reject part of the stimulus funds. And, I'm sure he's exhausted. I do enjoy reading about our governor on national blogs though.
UPDATE: Wow. I mean, what a press conference. I'm pretty disappointed and shocked, as I think all South Carolinians are. I've been a Sanford fan since he was elected especially after the most recent fight over the stimulus funds. I'm sorry for his family and especially his wife, as they have to live through the fallout from his affair in the public eye.
June 19, 2009
Who Doesn't Like 'Ma'am'?
UPDATE: Burst out laughing when I came across this post on one of my favorite blogs. Also, the Austin Powers trilogy is one of Mr. Morgan's favorites, making even him appreciate this political post. I think he usually skips over those. With as many times as I've seen those movies, I'm surprised I didn't connect the similarity of those two lines.
June 15, 2009
Belly Pictures
'Nurturing' Baby Hamilton
Sushi is one of our favorite meals out as a couple and as a family; however, because it's so expensive, we usually only go for special occasions. Claire sweetly wants to include baby Hamilton in our fun, family activity when he can eat solid foods, which is after I'm done "nurturing" him.
VBS Excitement
I assured Claire that kids could help but that she would be unable to since this whole week she'll be at her mom's house. I whispered back, however, that I had signed her up to attend VBS. She replied sincerely, excitedly, and without complaint, "Will I have to wear 'church clothes' to VBS?"
"Oh, no, not at all."
The sheer joy on her face was undeniable, and she was so excited thinking about doing something fun at church unencumbered by "church clothes."
June 13, 2009
Friday Night with Abby
June 9, 2009
Angry Mom
In between rounds, Claire asked, "Gray, is 'angry mom' spelled m-o-m?"
Guessing where she was headed yet trying to hold back laughter, I asked, "What do you mean?"
"You know, an angry mom--like with torches and pitchforks."
Not suppressing his laughter, Mr. Morgan explained that torches and pitchforks were associated with an angry "mob."
A Mountville Baby Shower
Beautiful Wedding
The weather was perfect, with the setting sun giving a much cooler feel to the warm day. We arrrived early, so the Taylors and the Morgans got a good seat.
After the ceremony, we enjoyed 15 different homemade cakes, several pies, several flavored punches, and coffee. Claire had a great time running around with all the kiddos. In true Mountville style, she discarded her shoes right after the ceremony, not needing them until it was time to leave.
June 5, 2009
O'Malley's and Abby
We hung out at the concert for a little while, then we left to find quieter accommodations and hang out with our dear friends the Swearingens. Since they're moving in a few months, we're trying to get our fill of them while they're still in town! Christopher suggested we go to O'Malley's for some drinks and food. Christopher and Emilie take their two-year-old everywhere with them, so Joseph is accustomed to public places and hence well behaved. While we got some looks for bringing little ones into a bar, we were undeterred. Downtown Charleston has a no-smoking policy, so the bars are clean with clear air. A rainy Thursday night after the colleges are out for the summer makes downtown crowds pretty light as well. And, O'Malley's had highchairs for the kiddos.
Abby's finding her voice, and she talks and babbles to herself a lot. She entertained us with her "Wet!" repetition as we walked in the misty rain to O'Malley's. As we neared our exit onto a cloverleaf ramp, she surprised us with her "Big turn!" outburst. We just love that little one, and we're so glad Bryce and Tiff let us take her every now and then.
June 4, 2009
Another Odd Sign
If crickets are indeed for sale, at what point did they realize that "cricrets" wasn't the way to spell it? Or have they realized it? Or was it misspelled on purpose, keeping in line with the theme of the outpost that also sells worms and bait?
Odd Sign
This sign was no joke--we felt this way while in the store! Why would they reinforce a negative part of their store's customer service? So, Mr. Morgan, fully prepared to buy shoes, wasn't even brought a similar style shoe to try. We did visit the Web site once we got back to our room, but the brand he wanted, Asics, wasn't even listed on the Web site.
We did end up buying shoes online; however, we used Zappos, a great shoe site with free overnight shipping both ways. As all little boys with new shoes, Mr. Morgan feels he runs faster in them, and he wants to wear them all the time. I put my foot down about wearing them to the Wilson-Hudson wedding coming up this weekend.
Patio Progress Continued
Field Day